Waste reduction and recycling plan

The Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 (the Act) states that each Queensland Government department must have an active strategic waste management plan. This plan must show how the department manages the waste generated as part of its operations.

Objectives and targets

Our Waste reduction and recycling plan outlines how we will work towards 3 objectives:

  • Minimise waste generation to reduce environmental impacts and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Maximise recycling, diversion, recovery and reuse opportunities.
  • Implement circular economy values by developing a waste reduction culture across the department.

The plan details how we will contribute to the goals and targets of Queensland's Waste management and resource recovery strategy. Specific targets for the commercial and industrial waste stream by 2030 are:

  • 80% of generated waste diverted from landfill to a recovery stream
  • 60% of total waste recycled.


To comply with the Act, each financial year the department will report on the implementation of our waste reduction and recycling plan.

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