Previous disclosure logs

Former Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) disclosure logs. Documents have been released under the Right to Information Act.

Disclosure log number Application number Topic/information releasedAttachments
DL2 IA000032 Details showing number of bull sharks in Gold Coast canals, potential growth in numbers and dangers to humans (excl. public released docs) in period June 2008 to June 2009. Attachment for IA000032 (PDF, 214KB)
DL3 IA000033 Details showing information from the last 5 years on: a) number and species caught; and b) number and types of marine life caught, in shark nets, plus any incidents of nets lost to whales. Attachment for IA000033 (PDF, 4MB)
DL5 IA000223 Scientific reports and evidence relied on by the decision maker in reaching the decision to remove the L1 endorsement from [name withheld] recreational fishing licence. Attachment for IA000223 (PDF, 3MB)