Reef line fishery export approvals renewed after favourable assessment

News release | 12-Jul-2024

Queensland’s reef line fishery has been granted Federal Government export approvals after it met key sustainability requirements.

The Reef line fishery consists of commercial line fishers operating exclusively in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and is subject to stringent conditions to ensure protection of the World Heritage listed reef. The primary commercial species is coral trout for domestic and export markets.

Typically, commercial fishers fish with one line and one hook to target coral trout for the high quality live export market. Commercial fishers also harvest redthroat emperor, red emperor and tropical snappers.

In 2022-23, 766 tonnes of coral trout were harvested commercially and 349 tonne other species quota and 95 tonnes of redthroat emperor quota.

An updated stock assessment by Queensland Fisheries found the stock levels of species targeted by the fishery were being sustainably managed.

The favourable assessment is good news for the Far North Queensland economy because it supports the ongoing operation of a fishery with a gross value of production of more than $34 million annually.

Stock levels have recovered thanks to a total allowable commercial catch limit, closed waters and seasons that protect peak spawning, and size and possession limits.

Fisheries that export are required to undergo a rigorous assessment progress against the Commonwealth government’s Guidelines for the ecologically sustainable management of fisheries.

The reef line fishery has been assessed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and been declared an approved wildlife trade operation for a further three years.

The approval included conditions requiring an updated assessment of saddletail snapper.

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has appointed a new Reef Line Fishery Working Group to work with industry on meeting the conditions of the export approval.

Quotes attributable to Pauline Jacob, Deputy Director-General Fisheries and Forestry:

"This export approval is a great boost for commercial reef line fishers because it means they can bring top quality Queensland fish to restaurants and tables around the world," she said.

"This assessment is also an endorsement of our Sustainable Fisheries Strategy which is working to ensure that we have a secure and sustainable fishery supporting good jobs in Queensland for many years to come.

"Already we hear exporters, especially live fish exporters, are rebuilding international relationships and opportunities that were stopped by the COVID-19 pandemic, so this export approval renewal means the sky is the limit on what can be achieved."


Media contact: DAF Media,