Competition has now closed

Winners will be announced at the Awards Day and Ag Science Expo.

Discover how managing our fisheries and farms sustainably helps ensure we have food for the future and protects our vital ecosystems!

All students from Prep to Year 12 in government, independent, Catholic, home or distance education schools across Australia are eligible to enter. You may enter as a class group, small teams or individuals.

Queensland students can also enter their projects in the Science Teachers Association of Queensland (STAQ) Science Contest.

Your tasks

Enter in 1 or more of the competition's 3 categories. Competition instructions and guidelines are available on on registration or request.

Plant Science Project Awards

Select an area of interest with the theme of Fishing and farming for the future and design your own experiments or activities (or follow our pre-designed examples).

Keep a science journal and complete a scientific report, poster, video, podcast or other creative entry explaining your findings and research — highlighting links to agricultural industries, biosecurity, global food security and our daily lives.

Find out more about the Plant Science Project Awards.

Art in AgRiculTure Awards

Create and submit a Fishing and farming for the future themed artwork (any style or medium, 2D or 3D) using the 2024 National Science Week theme for schools 'Species survival — more than just sustainability' as your inspiration!

Find out more about the Art in AgRiculTure Awards.

Guardians of Earth 'Pest Invaders' BioQuest

Go on a fun, citizen science adventure that will open your eyes to our beautiful environment and the various organisms that invade our native ecosystems. Your mission is to capture (with photos) as many introduced/invasive pest animals, weeds and diseases as possible.

Life is full of hidden treasures, but our native environment and agricultural industries are under threat from pests — now is your chance to save it. Earn bonus points for any aquatic species you find on your quest!

Join the Pest Invaders BioQuest.


An excellent range of prizes are on offer to students who submit entries in the competition.

All prizes are presented at the annual Awards Day and Agricultural Science Expo in Warwick during National Science Week.

2023 competition

The theme for the 2023 Hermitage Schools Plant Science Competition was 'The Buzz About Bees'.

View the winners of the 2023 competition  (PDF, 151.8KB).

Last updated: 22 Jun 2024