Visitors to agricultural properties may introduce livestock and plant pests and diseases by their vehicle, equipment, clothing or footwear.

Visitors can include suppliers, veterinarians, transporters, stock agents, workers, researchers, utility workers, guests and anyone who lives on the property.

Biosecurity is everyone’s responsibility. Follow these steps to prevent or minimise biosecurity risks when visiting properties.

Download the Visitors to agriculture properties and farms fact sheet for more information.

Understand biosecurity threats to properties you’re visiting

Learn about livestock pests and diseases and plant pests and diseases that could enter and threaten a property.

Prevent or minimise biosecurity risks

Help prevent or minimise risk when visiting properties to ensure you meet your general biosecurity obligation.

  • Follow any biosecurity zones and other movement restrictions.
  • Come clean, go clean by ensuring your shoes, clothing, vehicles and equipment are free from weed seeds, dirt, soil or debris before entering and leaving agricultural properties.
  • Park in the property’s designated area for visitors.
  • Ensure you have signed in as a visitor using Farm check-in or other methods when visiting a property. Property owners should have signage at their front gate advising how you can sign in or register as a visitor.
  • Report to the homestead or farm office when you first arrive. Do not enter livestock areas or cropping or plantation areas without permission and follow the property owner’s conditions of entry.
  • Comply with the property owner’s biosecurity management plan or biosecurity plan.
  • Follow the property owner’s directions regarding driving on designated tracks, abiding by signage, avoiding movement through certain areas and leaving gates as you find them.
  • Consider carrying a biosecurity toolkit in your vehicle if you visit agricultural properties regularly.

Report any biosecurity concerns

Watch the Spot and report anything unusual video.

Report any biosecurity concerns to the farm manager or property owner immediately or call Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23.

For suspected cases of emergency animal or plant pests or diseases, call the:

  • Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888
  • Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881

Stay informed

Stay informed about pests and diseases:

Last updated: 11 Jun 2024