01 April 2024
Woman presenting at a workshop and standing behind laptop and lectern
Kara Worth from the TNQ Drought Hub speaking at the workshop

The Queensland Government is co-funding a project in the Central Highlands, which will enable a small group of producers trial solutions from DataFarming, Pairtree Intelligence and Span Engineering in 2024.

The project: Smarter, Stronger Ag through Farm Data aims to raise awareness of data collection and analysis tools in the region. The project outcomes will be shared at AGTECH24 in November.

In early February, a farm data workshop was held at the CQ Smart Cropping Centre. Speakers from the CQ Smart Cropping Centre, TNQ Drought Hub, Farmacist, Federation University, Site Support, DataFarming, Span Engineering and Pairtree Intelligence provided handy insights into the current possibilities with data collection and use.

The event covered comprehensive soil mapping, dashboards, sensors and automation.  Attendees were also introduced to AgValuate, a new online assessment tool which generates a customised report on how AgTech can benefit their agribusiness.

Try the AgValuate tool.

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