Mareeba research facility

Site Details

Research facility nameMareeba research facility
Research facility address28 Peters Street, Mareeba QLD 4880
Telephone+61 7 4017 0700
Coordinates (GPS at office)16°59'0''S, 145°25'0''E
ClimateAverage annual rainfall 915.3mm
Maximum temperature 29.0°C and minimum temperature 16.6°C

Site overview

The Mareeba research facility is located on the Atherton Tablelands and offers research, development and extension services to far north Queensland's agriculture industries.

The facility has staff working in horticulture, beef, pastures, broad acre cropping and strategic industry development, with researchers in agronomy, soil science, plant breeding, entomology, plant pathology, molecular biology and remote sensing. A dedicated Biosecurity team supports animal and plant industries to meet their biosecurity obligations.

Originally constructed in 1979, this modernised facility offers state of the art laboratories, including: PC2, pathology, entomology and microbiology laboratories, glass and shade houses, cold rooms, specialised work areas, and office accommodation for up to 60 staff.

Research focus

  • Breeding and evaluation of mango germplasm
  • Evaluation of mango high productivity production systems
  • Improved productivity and sustainability of tree crop management systems including growth regulators in lychee and developing cyclone resilience in tropical tree fruits
  • Integrated pest and disease management systems
  • Improved productivity and sustainability vegetable and cropping management systems
  • Pasture grass and legume seed production
  • Beef production and pasture management
  • Molecular biology gene marking
  • Other disciplines represented include regional agriculture industry development and support
  • Biosecurity regulation and response and pest and disease diagnostic services


General facilities

The site has built facilities include an administration office with accommodation for 60 staff, conference and meeting rooms and PC2, pathology, entomology and microbiology laboratories.

A complex of glasshouses and shadehouses, postharvest shed and laboratory, general storage and a chemical store.

The site has a fully water recycled and treatment biosecurity mobile washdown system.

This site is also serviced by nearby Walkamin research facility (15mins away) with a wide range of plant and equipment including tractors, trucks and cultivators required to support research and grow a broad range of crops.

Facility offers WiFi capability to all work areas.

Specialised Infrastructure

Controlled Environments

  • Glasshouses (2.5) including a PC2 glasshouse (0.5)
  • Shadehouses (2)
  • Walk-in 3 x 3m Cold rooms (2)
  • Plant Growth Rooms (2)

Laboratories, processing facilities and conference room

  • Certified (OGTR) PC2, pathology, entomology and microbiology laboratories
  • Postharvest laboratory
  • Seed store
  • General laboratories servicing the glasshouses
  • Conference rooms (2)
  • Soil mixing plant and sterilization (boiler)
  • Reverse osmosis water system


  • Water storage (3x20,000 litre tanks)

Specialised plant and equipment

Located at Walkamin research facility

  • Precision planters & plot harvesters
  • Planters
  • GPS guidance
  • Fertiliser applicators

Pest and Pathogen Control

  • Sprayers

Sample Processing

  • Industrial plant and soil dryers
  • Post harvest shed