Complaints process

We appreciate your feedback. It helps us to improve our service delivery and achieve our goals. We're committed to ensuring that complaints are dealt with in a transparent, responsive, effective and fair way.

Making a complaint

How to make a complaint

You can use the Queensland Government compliments and complaints form or contact our customer service centre to:

  • make a complaint
  • give feedback
  • ask a question.

How your complaint will be managed

We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days and aim to resolve it within 30 working days. If the matter is complex, a thorough investigation may be needed. We'll keep you informed of the progress of this investigation.

After the complaint has been considered, we'll contact you to explain:

  • what has been found
  • action that will be taken.

If you're not satisfied with the outcome, you may request an internal review of the decision or contact the Queensland Ombudsman.

We recognise the importance and value of listening and responding to complaints. Refer to our Customer complaint policy (PDF, 230KB) and Customer complaint procedure (PDF, 520KB). These outline how we handle complaints.

Your privacy

You can submit feedback and complaints anonymously. However, that will mean we won't be able to contact you to get more information or let you know the outcome of your submission.

We will not release your personal information to a third party without your consent unless we are required to do so by law, according to the Information Privacy Act 2009. If you're concerned that your privacy has not been dealt with in accordance with this Act, you can submit a written privacy complaint to the department.

Statistics on complaints against the department

The Public Sector Act 2022 defines a customer complaint as a complaint about the service or action of the department or its staff, by a person who is apparently directly affected by the service or action.

It also states we must publish information relating to the customer complaints we receive. View the statistics of how many complaints we've received and how many required further action.

Public interest disclosures

We encourage any person who considers that they have witnessed wrongdoing to raise a complaint or make a public interest disclosure (as specified in the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010).

Any person, including members of the public, can make a disclosure about:

  • a substantial and specific danger to the health or safety of a person with a disability
  • a substantial and specific danger to the environment
  • an environmental offence (Schedule 2 of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010)
  • the conduct of another person that could, if proven, be a reprisal.

Employees of the department and other public sector agencies can make a disclosure about:

  • suspected corrupt conduct, as defined in the Crime and Corruption Act 2001
  • maladministration that negatively affects someone's interests in a substantial and specific way
  • a substantial misuse of public resources
  • a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.

How to make a disclosure

Anybody can make a public interest disclosure to:

  • The PID Coordinator
    Manager, Employee Relations and Integrity
    People and Culture
    Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
    GPO Box 46
    Ph: 07 3087 8543
  • The Director-General, Minister or to any other employee of the department who has the function to receive this type of information.

Employees of the department can also make a public interest disclosure to their manager or supervisor.

Disclosures can also be made externally to:

Our Public interest disclosure policy and procedure (PDF, 164KB) outlines how the department will assess and manage your disclosure.

More information