Our partnerships
We expand our research impact through strategic alliances nationally and internationally.
Our work with the forest and forest product industries and our alliances and collaborations with industry, business and other research agencies achieve forest and wood science and technology outcomes.
University alliances
Our partnerships with Queensland universities enhance innovation in growing productive forests and advancing wood processing technologies, creating world-class centres for forest and timber industry and the built environment. The Future Timber Hub and the National Centre for Timber Durability are examples (see below).
We have developed a research alliance with The Forest Industries Research Centre at the University of the Sunshine Coast, enhancing research in tree selection and genetics, pest and disease management, ecology and biodiversity and wood product processing and utilisation.
With the Queensland University of Technology, we used virtual log reconstruction to predict the harvest value in standing trees.
Future Timber Hub
Opened in 2015, the Centre for Future Timber Structures (CFTS) was formed between DAF and UQ. The CFTS then negotiated with the Australian Research Council (ARC) to form the ARC Future Timber Hub with prominent industry partners. The Future Timber Hub is a collaboration between the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, The University of Queensland, Griffith University, the University of Canterbury, the University of British Columbia, Scion, Hyne Timber, Hutchinson’s, ARUP Pty Ltd and Lendlease Development Ltd.
The Hub offers important outcomes for the forestry, forest product and construction industries relating to fire safety and building structures. Our timber research team bring expertise in wood science and performance testing to ‘The Hub’ to develop new processing systems and more durable performance. Read more about the ARC Future Timber Hub.
National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life
The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) is a partner in a new, world-class, National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life. Our forestry and timber scientists bring expertise in wood products durability research and innovation to join with the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) and the University of Queensland (UQ) in a three-way research partnership; which is being led by Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA). The National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life receives funding from FWPA, USC and UQ, with in-kind contributions from the Queensland Government . Read more about the National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life
Digital solutions
Partnering with QFAB (Queensland Facility of Advanced Bioinformatics) at the University of Queensland has delivered a digital decision solution, QTimber, for the timber and construction industries.
The networking tool, BiCEP provides essential communication among international professionals in forest pests and diseases.
Improving access to subtropical hardwoods
Our partnership with CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) has captured improved germplasm for most northern Australian, commercial tree species in seed orchards. Our tree breeding technologies, seed orchards and clone trials have demonstrated superior growth, form and wood properties of several key hardwoods
International research and development
Our research partnerships deliver outcomes for forest and wood industries and communities across Australia, the Pacific, South East Asia, Europe and North and South America. Currently, our research with ACIAR (The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research) fosters development in forest and forest products in Papua New Guinea, Laos, Vietnam.
Forestry industry associations
There are several industry bodies and association representing the interests of forestry and timber producers and processors in Queensland. Read about them here:
Forestry industry associations
Our research focuses on resolving issues for the forestry industry and is delivered through co-funded partnerships with industry partners, government agencies and universities.
Our current funding sources include the Queensland Government, the Australian Government, Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA), The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and forestry industry partners.