Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017-2027

The strategy sets out the government's reform agenda over 10 years, paving the way for a world-class fisheries management system.

  • About the strategy

    The strategy outlines 33 actions to be delivered across 10 reform areas.

  • Plans and progress reports

    View our plans and annual progress reports detailing the actions delivered under the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy.

  • Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel

    The panel provides independent expert advice on best-practice fisheries management and implementation of the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy.

  • Working groups

    Fishery working groups provide operational advice on the management of our fisheries.

  • Harvest strategies

    Harvest strategies specify the pre-determined management actions necessary to achieve ecological, economic and social objectives of a fishery.

  • Stakeholder engagement

    Improving engagement with our stakeholders is a key reform area of the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy.