Black jewfish stock


Fish stock status

Although a species may be classified as sustainable under the Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) framework, this does not mean that the stock is meeting Queensland targets under the harvest strategy.

Queensland East CoastSustainableUndefinedUndefinedUndefinedUndefined
Gulf of Carpentaria UndefinedUndefinedUndefinedUndefinedUndefined

Stock assessment

The 2022 stock assessment used current biological data provided through a FRDC funded research project, as well as commercial and recreational catch data to:

The assessment that the black jewfish stock was between 56% and 99% of unfished levels, and most probably at around 79%.

Despite high uncertainty around the exact level of biomass, the model outputs provide confidence that the biomass is at or above the target reference point of 60% unfished biomass.

The assessment used Stock Synthesis, a modelling framework that was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (United States).

Biomass estimates and key management actions

Biomass estimates and key management actions for black jewfish stock in Queensland.
© Queensland Government

Ecological risk assessment

Assessed in the:

  • east coast inshore fishery
  • Gulf of Carpentaria inshore fishery.


East coast inshore fishery: