Spanner crab stock


Fish stock status

Although a species may be classified as sustainable under the Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) framework, this does not mean that the stock is meeting Queensland targets under the harvest strategy.

East CoastSustainableSustainableDepletingSustainableSustainable

Stock assessment


Spanner crabs are monitored using a fishery independent survey. The survey aims to determine abundance of spanner crabs within areas of their known distribution. The survey has been completed almost continuously from 2000 to present.

The annual survey is carried out in May using chartered commercial or departmental vessels. Sampling is conducted at pre-determined sites within the main fishing area between Gladstone and the Gold Coast, using standard commercial fishing gear. The survey is replicated in New South Wales.

All crabs captured are measured and have their sex determined before being returned to the water. Information is also collected periodically about any other species caught incidentally using the standard fishing gear.

Survey locations

Ecological risk assessment

Assessed in the spanner crab fishery.


Spanner crab fishery: