Saddletail snapper stock


Fish stock status

Although a species may be classified as sustainable under the Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) framework, this does not mean that the stock is meeting Queensland targets under the harvest strategy.

East Coast QueenslandSustainableUndefinedUndefinedUndefinedUndefined
Gulf of CarpentariaSustainableSustainableSustainableSustainableSustainable

Stock assessment

The 2021 stock assessment used current biological data, commercial and recreational catch data to:

  • determine the sustainability of the stock
  • help inform management decisions
  • inform the application of the reef line harvest strategy.

This assessment estimated that the saddletail snapper stock was between 13% and 73% of unfished levels, and most probably at around 23%.

The assessment used Stock Synthesis, a modelling framework that was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (United States).

Biomass estimates and key management actions

Chart of Australian east coast stock assessment biomass estimates and key management actions for saddletail snapper.
© Queensland Government

Estimated retained catch from 1961 to 2020

Chart of estimated retained catch for Queensland east coast saddletail snapper from 1961 to 2020.
© Queensland Government


Saddletail snapper are included in the coral reef fish biological monitoring program.

Ecological risk assessment

Assessed in the:

  • reef line fishery
  • Gulf of Carpentaria development fin fish trawl fishery.


Reef line fishery: