Keen Angler Program

The Keen Angler Program collects fish skeletons (fish frames) from recreational fishers to help monitor Queensland’s key fish stocks.

You do not need to be an experienced fisher or fish regularly.

Get involved

  1. Email to register your interest.
  2. We will send you the sampling kits and instructions for storing your fish.
  3. Put your frames in the labelled sampling kit.
  4. Store them in your freezer.
  5. Contact us to organise collection.

Target species

Inshore and estuarine:

Rocky reef:

Coral reef:


Deep water:


How we use the data

Fisheries Queensland uses the biological information from these fish frames to:

  • assess the status of fish stocks
  • evaluate the effectiveness of fisheries management arrangements.

The fish frames are processed in our laboratory, where we:

For some species, we keep a small sample of muscle tissue, which can be used for research projects that involve studying the genetic makeup of fish populations.

