Boat ramp surveys

Boat ramp surveys are conducted at more than 45 ramps across Queensland.

The boat ramp survey program has been running for more than 20 years, and expanded in 2015 to a statewide program.

Survey design

When a recreational fisher returns to the boat ramp, we ask them a few questions about their fishing trip, including what they caught, where and how they fished, and for how long. Boat ramp surveys only take about 10 minutes.

They are conducted at each ramp 5 times a month, over 3 weekdays and 2 weekends.

View the data

The data presented in the dashboard is survey data, and is not a complete record of all activity at the boat ramp.

The boat ramp survey has not estimated total catch or participation in the region or state, instead, it monitors trends over time in boat-based recreational fishing in Queensland.

How we use the data

We record data on 41 species of fish and crustaceans:

  • number kept or released
  • length of fish kept.

The data helps us monitor changes in:

  • effort
  • catch rates
  • fish length
  • value of recreational fishing over time.

This helps us assess the health of fish stocks and fishery management arrangements.


This map shows where we carry out boat ramp surveys across Queensland.