Fisheries legislation

Queensland's fisheries are regulated by several pieces of legislation.

  • Fisheries Act 1994

    Fisheries Queensland's responsibilities for the economically viable, socially acceptable and ecologically sustainable development of Queensland's fisheries resources.

  • Fisheries (General) Regulation 2019

    General regulatory requirements relevant to the management and use of Queensland's fisheries resources.

  • Fisheries (Commercial Fisheries) Regulation 2019

    Regulatory requirements that apply to Queensland's commercial fisheries, including how activities are to be carried out.

  • Fisheries Declaration 2019

    Outlines restrictions on particular fishing activities across all sectors, including regulated waters and regulated fish declarations (size, possession and form requirements etc.)

  • Fisheries Quota Declaration 2019

    Outlines the quota entitlements for particular commercial fisheries, including the commercial catch limits.

  • Internal review of decisions

    People affected by certain decisions made by the department under the Fisheries Act 1994 can apply to have those decisions reviewed.