Fisheries management

How we're managing Queensland's fisheries to ensure sustainability into the future.

  • Sustainable Fisheries Strategy

    Our 10 year plan for reform, paving the way for a world-class fisheries management system.

  • Legislation

    Queensland's fisheries are regulated by several pieces of legislation.

  • Policies and guidelines

    Fishery management, commercial fisheries, aquaculture, and fish habitats policies and guidelines.

  • Harvest strategies

    Harvest strategies specify the pre-determined management actions necessary to achieve ecological, economic and social objectives of a fishery.

  • Working groups

    Fishery working groups provide operational advice on the management of our fisheries.

  • Closed and regulated waters

    Certain tidal and fresh waters are closed to fishing.

  • Commercial fishing

    We support sustainable commercial fishing in Queensland.

  • Recreational fishing

    We ensure recreational fishing remains sustainable and accessible in Queensland.

  • Fish habitats

    Policies, guidelines and approvals for fish habitats in Queensland.

  • Spanner crab fishery

    Management arrangements for commercial, recreational, charter and traditional fishing in the spanner crab fishery.

  • Reef line fishery

    Management arrangements for commercial, recreational, charter and traditional fishing in the reef line fishery.