First Nations fishing

Fisheries Queensland respects the importance of traditional fishing as a significant cultural activity for Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders.

  • Engagement with First Nations

    We are committed to engaging with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples as we implement the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy.

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander commercial fishing development policy

    The policy outlines flexible pathways for individuals and their communities to participate in, or develop their own, commercial fishing businesses.

  • Fishing permits

    Aboriginal peoples or Torres Strait Islander peoples can apply for an Indigenous fishing permit to trial a commercial fishing activity.

  • Community fishing grants

    Community fishing grants help fund projects that improve the understanding of, or support, the traditional fishing practices of First Nations peoples.

  • Indigenous fishing and forestry grants

    Support for projects that provide economic opportunities for Indigenous peoples around fishing and forestry, particularly in their own sea and land country.