Cape York special fisheries working group

The Cape York special fisheries working group works closely with key regional stakeholders to:

  • identify new economic pathways through charter fisheries and tourism operations
  • maintain sustainable fisheries in Cape York.

It was established in June 2023.

The 10-person working group is a non-statutory advisory body which provides advice that will be considered alongside advice and information from:

  • Fisheries Queensland
  • Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel
  • other Government agencies.

Collectively this will inform decisions on the management of our fisheries and best practice fisheries management and implementation of the Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy.


  • 9–10 August 2023

    The Cape York special fisheries working group (the working group) met for the first time on 9 and 10 August 2023.

    The Principal Advisor (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships) and the Director-General from the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture opened the meeting and acknowledged elders, past present and emerging.

    Working group members introduced themselves, outlining their backgrounds and connection to Cape York.

    This meeting recognises and symbolises the importance of fishing to First Nations people on the Cape and the potential for greater economic benefits to communities.

    Members noted that the Queensland Government has committed to establish a special fisheries working group for Cape York. This meeting of the group, a first for Queensland, aims to work closely with key stakeholders to identify new business opportunities through charter fisheries and tourism operations while ensuring sustainable fisheries are maintained for future generations.

    The working group undertook a session to identify where we are at present and where we would like to be in the future. A number of challenges and opportunities were raised by the members with respect to our current and future state, in addition to the strengths that exist.

    Members shared their knowledge and ideas with examples of success in other areas and disciplines.

    The working group also took the opportunity to consider a broader range of economic initiatives related to fishing and fisheries resources.

    Working group members prioritised the most important strategies to achieve a more prosperous First Nations fishing economy on the Cape.

    The new working group is a non-statutory advisory body which provides advice that will be considered alongside advice and information from Fisheries Queensland, the Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel and other Government agencies. The terms of reference for the group were noted.

    Collectively this will inform decisions on the management of our fisheries and best practice fisheries management and implementation of the Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy: 2017–2027.

    It was noted the Queensland Government has set aside $200,000 for a Cape York Fisheries Economic Pathways Grants Program to be launched later this year.

    The working group will next meet in November 2023.

  • 22–23 November 2023

    The Cape York special fisheries working group (the working group) held its second meeting on 22 and 23 November 2023.

    Dr Ian Mackie (Deputy Director-General, Rural Communities and Acting Deputy Director-General, Fisheries and Forestry) chaired this meeting on behalf of the interim Chair (Dr Chris Sarra, Director-General of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries). An Acknowledgement of Country was led by Mr Adam Robinson (Acting Director, Regional Thriving Communities).

    Working group members noted the recent announcements by the Queensland Government about the removal of gillnets in the Great Barrier Reef and current consultation on potential gillnet free areas and general reforms in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The working group agreed these initiatives could potentially benefit Indigenous fishing businesses ready to address the potential reduction in seafood supply.

    The working group also noted the Queensland Government, through Fisheries Queensland, will launch a $200,000 Cape York Fisheries Economic Pathways Grants Program early next month. In listening to feedback from Indigenous seafood businesses, Fisheries Queensland will also complement the Cape York grants program with a $100,000 seafood processing and production grant to be made available to Indigenous businesses Queensland wide. Working Group members advised that Cultural benefits should be included in the criteria for accessing these grants.

    Mr David Leotta, Managing Director – Queensland Fishing Brokerage, was invited by the working group to provide his insights on Indigenous charter fishing tourism and seafood supply and production opportunities.

    In line with self determination, the chair sought advice from members regarding a request to add an information presentation to the agenda. The working group agreed to hear an information presentation from UNGANCO, an Indigenous owned company.

    The working group continued the strategic planning process for fishing economic pathways for the Cape York region. A session was undertaken to identify the vision for the strategic plan, identification of strategic objectives, implementation actions and measures of success. Members shared their knowledge and advice on community needs in developing the strategic plan.

    An update on Queensland's Path to Treaty Readiness was provided to the working group with members discussing Truth Telling and Healing and resilience of First Nations peoples.

    Members undertook a process to select a chair for the working group. Mr Linc Walker was voted unanimously as the chair for the working group with Mr Frank Procter as Deputy Chair.

    The working group will next meet on 28–29 February 2024.

  • 28–29 February 2024

    The Cape York Special Fisheries Working Group (the working group) held its third meeting on 28 and 29 February 2024.

    Mr Linc Walker chaired the meeting and delivered the Acknowledgement of Country with Mr Frank Procter as Deputy Chair.

    Through the chair the Executive Director invited Minister Mark Furner and Acting Director General Bernadette Ditchfield to join the meeting.  The members shared the main challenges that each of the communities’ face with entering the fishing industry.  The Minister acknowledged the enormous opportunity that exists for First Nations communities and fishers especially in Charter Fishing, tourism related industry.

    The working group discussed the draft Cape York Fishing Economic Development strategic plan.  It was raised by the members that the plan needed further review and further work to be progressed out of session.

    It was noted education and training needs to be included in the Strategic Plan as a key pillar to driving economic outcomes for young people and communities who have an interest in entering the fishing industry and exploring school-based trainee programs for marine skills should be pursued.  The chair shared the need to identify pathways to fast-track skills required to get First Nations people in the water fishing.  Achieving this in a way that is flexible with the way community operates is important.  It was suggested an information presentation from TAFE to talk to the group about what training is available and how it can be delivered in community.

    The current Grants program was discussed with suggestions provided to improve uptake of applications.

    The working group heard presentations from the Indigenous Land and Sea Council (ILSC) and Department of Small Business and Training (DESBT) who shared information on current grant, training, employment and business development programs designed to support First Nations businesses.

    Members also tabled a proposal for supporting First Nations commercial fishing, with further discussions by the working group ongoing.

    It was noted Dr Ian Mackie, formerly Deputy Director-General, Rural Communities and Acting Deputy Director-General, Fisheries and Forestry and Dr Chris Sarra, former Director-General of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries have accepted new appointments with the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC). It was also acknowledged Mr Adam Robinson, formerly from Regional Thriving Communities, who attended this meeting had also taken a role with DPC and this would be his last official meeting with the group.  The working group thanked Dr Mackie and Sarra and Mr Robinson for establishing the working group and the work they had achieved in the department.

    The working group will meet next on 29 May 2024.

  • 27 May 2024

    The Cape York Special Fisheries Working Group (the working group) held its fourth meeting on 27 May 2024 in Cairns.

    Mr Linc Walker chaired the meeting and delivered the Welcome to Country and Mr Frank Procter as Deputy Chair.

    It was noted at the meeting that out of session meetings were held with all members to provide further feedback on the draft Cape York Economic Development Strategic plan, this feedback has now been incorporated into the draft plan.  An out of session meeting was held in May to finalise the plan and will be published on DAF’s website in June.

    The working group heard presentations from,  Mr Peter Green from Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) shared information about exploring school-based trainee programs for marine skills and Mrs Sian Breen, Director, Fisheries Queensland shared information about the Gulf of Carpentaria Gillnet Free zones.  It was suggested a communication package to assist the working group to respond to community and media questions they are currently receiving about the Gillnet closures was needed.  Lachlan Ryall from Queensland Boating and Fishing Patrol provided an update regarding permit holders contacting local QBFP office and various other matters.

    Members also tabled the need to streamline the Indigenous Fishing Permit (IFP) program and discussed bringing together current IFP holders to review the program.

    It was noted Mr Adam Robinson from Department of Premier and Cabinet will be invited to attend all meetings to continue to share valuable information about the Youth Reinvestment program currently being delivered.  It was also noted that Ms Toni Hodges from Balkanu has resigned from the working group to take up another role within Government and was thanked for her strong commitment and highly valued contributions to the working group over the past 12 months.  Balkanu have nominated a representative and will be announced in due course.

    The working group will meet next on 28 August 2024.

Terms of reference

The Queensland Government is committed to ensuring fisheries resources are managed in a sustainable and responsible manner that recognises the interests of all Queenslanders. An important part of fisheries management is stakeholder engagement through working groups.

Working groups provide advice within the scope of this terms of reference, which is considered alongside advice, information, requirements and feedback from:

  • Fisheries Queensland
  • Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel
  • other government agencies
  • public consultation.

Collectively, this informs decisions on the management of our fisheries.

A 2020 election commitment for the Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities was to establish a special fisheries working group, working closely with key stakeholders, to identify new economic pathways through charter fisheries and tourism operations while ensuring sustainable fisheries are maintained in Cape York.

While the election commitment focused on charter fishing and tourism pathways, this working group will take the opportunity to consider a broader range of economic initiatives related to fishing and fisheries resources.

This initiative contributes to Queensland's Closing the Gap Implementation Plan—Outcome 15: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples maintain a distinctive cultural, spiritual, physical and economic relationship with their land and waters. Closing the Gap aims to improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians by ensuring we work in partnership with First Nations Australians to deliver change.


The objectives of the Cape York Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Special Fisheries Working Group (the Special Working Group) are to:

  • Provide strategic advice on innovation, business and entrepreneurship matters related, but not limited charter fishing, ecotourism and other fisheries-related economic opportunities for government consideration.
  • Provide advice to the Indigenous Sustainable Fisheries Expert Panel representative.
  • Help co-design new programs and initiatives.
  • Provide advice on the development of an action plan and advice on the implementation and effectiveness of existing policy settings and programs.
  • Engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and provide advice on community views and issues.
  • Act as champions to promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entrepreneurship, business and innovation.
  • Provide advice on the assessment of grant funding initiatives.

The Special Working Group is a non-statutory advisory body. It is not a decision-making body.


The Special Working Group will be established for a 2-year period.


The operation of the Special Working Group will consist of 4 meetings per year and within reason, out-of-scope advice and review of documents may be required.

Confidentiality and non-disclosure

Members and observers must comply with the Code of Conduct for the Queensland Public Service, including the following requirements:

  • Observe confidentiality and exercise tact and discretion when dealing with sensitive issues. If a stakeholder member is concerned about the disclosure to non-members of an issue that they consider may be sensitive, the member should seek advice from the Chair.
  • At all times act honestly, exercise care and diligence in the discharge of their duties and not make improper use of inside information. Information is considered to be used improperly where, by using the information, a member gains an advantage either directly or indirectly (financial or otherwise) over another person or causes detriment to the project or to another person.
  • Not publish or communicate to any person, who they are not authorised to publish or communicate to, any fact or document which comes to their knowledge, or into their possession because they are a Special Working Group member and which (because of its confidential nature) it is their duty not to disclose.
  • If necessary, declare any conflict of interest prior to the commencement of each meeting. Conflicts of interest should be formally recorded on a Conflict of Interest Register. At the direction of the Chair, members or observers who identify conflicts of interest with one or more agenda items may need to absent themselves from the discussion for the duration of those agenda items.

Sitting fees and expenses

There are no sitting fees attached to the working group, however Fisheries Queensland will pay for all travel and accommodation costs and make relevant arrangement with members and invited observers. Members and invited observers are eligible to be reimbursed for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, including domestic travel, accommodation costs, motor vehicle allowances and meals. Where out-of-pocket expenses have been incurred, working group members will need to provide a tax receipt for each expense claimed so Fisheries Queensland can organise a reimbursement in accordance with Queensland Government financial policies and procedures.

Meeting administration


The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries undertakes a Secretariat function, providing all administrative, operational and logistical functions of the Special Working Group. Fisheries Queensland will provide members with an agenda and supporting information 7 days prior to each meeting. This is to provide time for members to review supporting information ahead of the meeting.

The secretariat will record meeting outcomes, and a summary of the meeting is to be agreed at the close of each meeting to enable a communiqué to be made publicly available. The Secretariat will provide more detailed minutes to members following the meeting, which will be endorsed at the following meeting.


The Special Working Group may establish a sub-committee. Such groups will address specific issues which may arise from time to time to assist the special working group. Such groups may also include co-opted experts in relevant fields to work with the seconded special working group member/s to enable best possible advice to be provided to the Special Working Group.


To support appointed, local government and supporting members, the Secretariat will provide new members with the following:

  • Terms of Reference
  • Background information:
    • Innovation and Business Focus
    • Government priorities
    • A work program for the special working group
  • Summaries of the last 2 meetings
  • A copy of the Conflict of interest register
  • A list of current Special Working Group members

If required an information session may be provided for new members. This session may be organised by the Secretariat and may include a combination of existing Special Working Group members and key departmental staff.


Membership requires a commitment to attend meetings and carry out all aspects of the Special Working Group role. The use of proxies will not be endorsed.


A review of the Special Working Group will be undertaken annually. The review will consider any changes to membership or procedures that may need to occur in the subsequent 12 months. The review may be a self-assessment activity or included in the scope of an independent assurance review.


The Special Working Group membership includes successful leaders with expertise in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander innovation, business, entrepreneurship, community development and government relations.

Composition of membership

To ensure an appropriate breadth of experience, membership will include a mix of experts from the following:

  • Queensland locations: it is recommended that at least 4 members be located in Far North Queensland.
  • Business types: micro business, small to medium enterprise, and influential organisations involved in business, retail supply chain, Indigenous employment and businesses established on country.
  • Business stages: entrepreneurs, start-ups, business owner/operators, business scale up, inventors/innovators.
  • Networks with: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

This will bring together a diverse range of experience and perspective which can provide broad-based expertise and independent advice. Membership will be limited to no more than 11 people to ensure the working group is manageable.

MemberDetails Key roles and responsibilities
Chair Person appointed by the responsible Minister.
  • Chairing special working group meetings.
  • Endorsing special working group agenda and meeting papers.
  • Ensuring action items and outstanding issues are adequately addressed in required timeframes.
Appointed Members Persons appointed by the responsible Minister.
  • Providing independent advice and perspective on agenda items as per the objectives.
  • Where relevant, networking with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and present their views to the special working group.
  • Participating in strategic discussions.
  • Recommending topics to the special fisheries working group for discussion at subsequent meetings.
  • Participating in the development and delivery of the special fisheries working group fisheries Indigenous action plan.
Local Council Members Mayors of Aboriginal Local Councils.
  • Providing independent advice and perspective on agenda items as per the objectives.
  • Where relevant, networking with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and present their views to the special working group.
  • Participating in strategic discussions.
  • Recommending topics to the special fisheries working group for discussion at subsequent meetings.
  • Participating in the development and delivery of the special fisheries working group fisheries Indigenous action plan.
Supporting Members
  • An Executive Director from Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
  • An Executive Director from Department of Tourism Innovation and Sport (DTIS).
  • Other agencies as required.
  • Providing information and updates on departmental and whole of government initiative as appropriate
  • Communicating relevant information to Queensland Government officers, including officers within other relevant delivery agencies
  • Ensuring relevant assigned actions and decisions are acted upon by relevant officers
  • Persons with expertise in a particular area who are invited to meetings from time to time by the Chair.
  • Providing specific advice on one or more agenda items.

Appointment of members

The Chair and appointed members of the Special Working Group are appointed by the responsible Minister.

An expression of interest process will be used to call for members across the mix of expertise. Prospective members will be invited to provide a statement to confirm their suitability for appointment to the panel, with specific reference to the elements outlined in the composition of membership.

Initial selection of members and any subsequent appointments will seek to achieve the best mix of expertise across all elements outlined in the composition of membership. Depending on the stage of the work program, observers with expertise in various fields may be invited to certain meetings to provide specific advice.