Restricted place

Declaring a restricted place

The Biosecurity Act 2014 allows the Chief Executive to declare a place to be restricted if they suspect that place poses a biosecurity risk.

For example, plants grown on contaminated land can potentially become contaminated and enter the food chain. This means that the contaminated land would be declared a restricted place.

The Chief Executive may declare how use of the place is to be restricted and declare the restrictions applying to the use or future use of designated animals at the place.

Compliance with restricted place restriction

Once a place is declared a restricted place, a person must not perform any activity that breaches the restrictions about how the place is used.

A person must not use a designated animal at a restricted place in any way that breaches the restrictions about how the designated animal is to be used.

Penalties may apply. Refer to section 162 of the Biosecurity Act 2014.

Removing a restricted place declaration

The Chief Executive may remove the restricted place declaration only when they are satisfied that the place no longer poses a biosecurity risk.

The declaration may be removed on the Chief Executive's own initiative or after consideration of an application for removal of a restricted place from the biosecurity register.

Applying for a restricted place status to be removed

You may apply for the restricted place status to be removed if you:

  • occupy the place
  • are the owner of the place
  • are or are expected to become a registered biosecurity entity.

The application must:

  • be in the approved form-complete the Application for declaration of restricted place to be ended  (PDF, 624KB)
  • include the required fee under the regulation
  • outline the steps you have taken to ensure the place no longer poses a biosecurity risk
  • include evidence to support your claim that the place no longer poses a biosecurity threat (e.g. reports prepared by suitable qualified persons).