Wild dog management strategy

The Queensland Wild Dog Management Strategy 2021–26 (PDF, 356KB) provides state-wide coordination and direction to wild dog management.

The  strategy is a result of an extensive review by Queensland Dog Offensive Group (QDOG) that took into account various comments and recommendations received from key stakeholders, government agencies and animal groups.

Four themes support the vision and the mission of the strategy. The themes are complementary to the National Wild Dog Action Plan 2020-2030, Queensland Invasive Plants and Animals Strategy 2019-2024 (PDF, 2MB), and the Queensland Biosecurity Strategy 2018-2023

The strategy's four themes are:

  1. Governance and leadership
  2. Awareness and participation
  3. Implementation of wild dog control
  4. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

The focus or the strategy is on cooperative management to minimise the negative impacts of wild dogs. Stakeholders, including land managers, government and the community, will have a shared responsibility, working together to deliver effective, coordinated and humane management of wild dogs.

For more information, contact us.