Queensland Biosecurity Capability Review

Queensland's biosecurity system is facing unparalleled challenges as we respond to the increasing scale and scope of exotic pests and diseases.

In 2015, the Queensland Government commissioned an independent review (the Queensland Biosecurity Capability Review) of the state's biosecurity capability to discover gaps and determine what a future biosecurity system should look like to meet these increasing challenges.

The review found that a new approach was needed to optimise Queensland's biosecurity system. The panel made 32 recommendations, which fall into 4 key themes:

  • Address immediate capability gaps in Biosecurity Queensland.
  • Develop a best practice Queensland biosecurity system where industry, the community and all levels of government accept their proportionate share of responsibilities.
  • Establish investment priorities for specific pests and diseases based on risk, rate of return and distribution of public and private benefits.
  • Establish Queensland as the model biosecurity agency in Australia.

You can read more about the review in the:

For more information on the biosecurity review, contact us online, by phone or in person.

Boosting Queensland's biosecurity response

In response to the Queensland Biosecurity Capability Review, the Queensland Government announced increased funding of $10.8 million over 4 years to implement the recommendations of the review and strengthen Queensland's biosecurity capability and capacity.

The Biosecurity Capability Implementation Program was established with the goal of building the capability of the entire system. Ultimately, all Queenslanders will have the tools and knowledge they need to deal with the biosecurity threats that are under their control.

Seven priority projects have been designed under the program to address the highest priorities identified from the review: