Queensland Biosecurity Grants Program

About the program

Applications are open for round 1 of the Queensland Biosecurity Grants Program.

The grants support projects and activities across diverse sectors to:

  • foster innovation
  • enhance education
  • strengthen preparedness
  • boost biosecurity resilience
  • protect our environment, economy, industries and communities from potential biosecurity threats.

There are 2 grant categories.

Education grants

There are 6 grants of $10,000 each in the education category.

These grants are for projects that empower individuals and organisations with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective biosecurity practices.

Types of projects

  • Educational programs that target communities and/or industry stakeholders on the importance of biosecurity and use of positive biosecurity practices.
  • Training modules and resources that improve biosecurity literacy and adherence to best practices.
  • Initiatives that foster a culture of responsibility and collaboration in biosecurity.

Project criterion

Your project must do 1 or more of the following:

  • Develop a culture of responsibility and collaboration in biosecurity among diverse stakeholders.
  • Improve biosecurity literacy and implementation of biosecurity best practices.
  • Leverage existing education modules and/or add educational components (biosecurity module) to training.

Innovation grants

There are 3 grants of $25,000 each in the innovation category.

These grants are for projects that pioneer modern technologies, methodologies or approaches to advance biosecurity practices in Queensland.

Types of projects

  • Cutting-edge technologies for early detection and monitoring of biosecurity threats.
  • Research initiatives that contribute to novel strategies for preventing and managing biosecurity risks.
  • Collaborative projects promoting innovation across sectors to enhance the efficiency of biosecurity measures or enhance behaviour change.

Project criterion

Your project must do 1 or more of the following:

  • Build community resilience.
  • Enhance diagnostic effort.
  • Strengthen response and containment.

Other project requirements

Your project should:

  • have appropriate expertise within the project team to complete the project
  • represent value for money by incorporating other funding or ‘in-kind’ support
  • be technically sound and use best practice
  • align to the Queensland Biosecurity Strategy 2024–2029 .

It should also address 1 or more of these priorities:

  • Support industry or species-specific strategies or local government biosecurity plans.
  • Improve understanding of, or support, traditional or cultural biosecurity activities of First Nations people.
  • Support engagement of young people in biosecurity.

Who can apply

These organisations in Queensland can apply for a grant:

  • community not-for-profit
  • clubs/associations
  • schools and universities
  • councils
  • statutory bodies and government agencies
  • incorporated bodies/associations.

What isn’t funded

The grants program will not fund:

  • equipment purchase
  • operating or travel costs not associated with a project
  • normal business of organisations and clubs (e.g. building premises or improving facilities that are only available to club members
  • research or monitoring that doesn’t deliver tangible, practical biosecurity benefits
  • staff wages or salaries
  • projects already funded by other Queensland government programs.

How to apply


  • there is no cost to apply for a grant
  • successful applicants are not required to match funding.

After you apply

  • Your application will be assessed against other applications by an evaluation panel.
  • The Deputy Director-General and Chief Biosecurity Officer, Biosecurity Queensland, will decide the final grant allocations.
  • We will notify you of the outcome of your application in August 2024.

If you are successful

If you are successful with your grant application, you will sign a grant agreement.

We will then disperse grant funds to you and your project can begin.

As a condition of receiving funding you will agree to:

  • submit milestone reports and invoices under the agreement
  • acknowledge the Queensland Biosecurity Grant Program in project publications, signage and marketing materials
  • provide a final project report within 60 days of completing the project.

Your grant-funded activity must be completed by 30 June 2025 (unless otherwise negotiated).


Email biosecurity.capability@daf.qld.gov.au