A–Z list of significant animal pests and diseases

If you notice unusual signs of disease, abnormal behaviour or unexpected deaths in your stock, call the Animal Disease Emergency Hotline on 1800 675 888. This national service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Immediately report any of the notifiable incidents listed below:

  • a lot of ill or dead animals including birds or aquatic animals
  • rapid spread of disease through a herd or flock
  • animals that are lame, drooling or salivating excessively
  • animals that have ulcers, erosions or blisters around the feet, muzzle, udder or teats and/or in the mouth
  • unusual nervous signs
  • respiratory distress or persistent coughing in horses
  • deep smelly, fly struck wounds
  • any unusual or unfamiliar disease in animals, birds or aquatic animals.