Drought support for Queensland primary producers

Our drought assistance focuses on greater preparedness and business planning to manage the ever-present risk of drought in Queensland.

National drought agreement

Because of Australia's changing climate, droughts in many regions are likely to become:

  • more frequent
  • longer lasting
  • more intense.

As a result, governments – as well as farmers and their communities – need to do more to plan ahead.

Queensland has signed a new national drought agreement (NDA) with the Australian Government and other state and territory governments to help farmers better withstand drought.

The 5-year agreement outlines how different jurisdictions will work together to support farmers preparing for and managing through drought, wherever they live.

The last NDA dated back to 2018, when conditions were drying across much of Australia. The new NDA (2024–2029) supports a consistent and shared approach to drought across state and territory borders, as conditions dry again in different regions.

Queensland drought assistance

Queensland drought assistance will help primary producers better manage and prepare for future droughts. A suite of proactive measures includes tailored grants and loans.

The drought measures are open to all primary producers and do not need a formal drought declaration.

Further loans are available to help producers experiencing drought conditions or recovering from drought.

To apply for this assistance, visit QRIDA.

Farm Business Resilience Program

Through the Farm Business Resilience Program, producers can access subsidised training to develop farm business resilience plans. Once their plans are completed, producers can access grants and loans for activities that will:

  • improve the drought preparedness of their properties
  • assist the producers while in drought.

The Farm Business Resilience Program is jointly funded by the:

Future Drought Fund – Regional Drought Resilience Planning Program

The Regional Drought Resilience Planning Program is a partnership between the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and the Queensland Government. The Queensland Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has partnered with the Rural Economies Centre of Excellence (RECoE) to help regions survive and thrive into the future.

The key objective of the program is to develop regional drought resilience plans to prepare for future droughts, focusing on the agricultural sector and allied industries.

Queensland drought declaration process review

In 2023, the Queensland drought declaration process was reviewed by independent adviser Charles Burke, who chaired the 2019 drought programs review with Ruth Wade.

The Queensland drought declaration process: independent report (Burke review) recommends reforms to the current ministerial drought declaration process.

The public release of the Burke review allows us to:

  • begin consultation with local drought committees (LDCs) and industry
  • develop options for implementing the Burke review's recommendations.

The resulting implementation plan could be considered by the Queensland Government.

LDCs will continue until a new declaration process is accepted by the Queensland Government.

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