Right to information

  • Publication scheme

    The publication scheme is part of a commitment to provide the Queensland public greater access to information about its Government departments

  • Disclosure log

    Our disclosure log includes all details for received right to information (RTI) applications.

Accessing government information

Right to Information is the Queensland Government's approach to giving the community greater access to information. The Queensland Government has made a commitment to provide access to information held by the government, unless on balance it is contrary to the public interest to provide that information.

The Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009 came into effect on 1 July 2009, replacing the Freedom of Information Act 1992.

The Right to Information reforms aim to make more information available, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community, and provide appropriate protection for individuals' privacy.

Searching for information

Before submitting a Right to Information application, or Information Privacy application for access solely to your own personal information, you should check to see if the information is already available. The disclosure log publishes information which has been released in response to RTI access requests, while our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely made available from the department.

Some of the department's information may be released administratively by business units. You can access this information without having to lodge a formal application.

Administrative access may be used for the following information:

  • certain types of non-personal information devoid of sensitivity and confidentiality
  • an individual's own information but not that of another person, unless consent has been provided.

Where a document contains the personal or commercial information of more than one person, the information will only be accessible through administrative access when all parties have given prior written consent.

Read about the department's Administrative release policy and procedure (PDF, 288KB).

If you are unable to find the information you are searching for, please email Right to Information Services on RTIServices@des.qld.gov.au.

Requesting information

You can request information by applying online.

Alternatively, you can download the Right to Information and Information Privacy information access application form and submit it by mail or email to Right to Information Services.

Fees and charges

Existing fees and charges did not increase on 1 July 2024 in line with the government's indexation policy.

There is an initial $55.75 application fee for all Right to Information applications. This fee cannot be waived.

There is no application fee for Information Privacy applications.

No processing charges are payable if the agency spends less than 5 hours processing an application. If the agency spends more than 5 hours, the charge is $8.65 for each 15 minutes (or part thereof) spent processing the application.

The applicant is not charged for processing of documents that contain personal information.

The department may also charge 25 cents per A4 page if the applicant wishes to receive black and white photocopies. No charge will apply if the applicant wishes to access documents via email.

Credit card details will not be accepted for payment of the application fee via email or telephone. Credit card payments will only be accepted in hard copy via post or as part of an online application process.

Statutory time frames

Valid applications must be processed within 25 business days of receipt. A further 10 business days can be added if consultation with third parties are required.

The department may negotiate a further extension of time with the applicant, if additional processing time is required. This extension of time does not affect an applicant's right of review.

Amending personal information held by government

You can apply to have any of your personal information held by the Queensland Government amended if you believe it is:

  • inaccurate
  • incomplete
  • out-of-date
  • misleading.

If you wish to amend the information, you must first complete the Information Privacy Personal Information Amendment application form and then email it to Right to Information Services on RTIServices@des.qld.gov.au.

Right of review

If you are dissatisfied with our decision, you can apply to have that decision examined under internal review by an officer within the department of equal or higher level. Alternatively, you may apply for an external review direct to the Office of the Information Commissioner, irrespective of whether the department has internally reviewed the decision.

An application to have a decision internally reviewed must be made within 20 business days of the date of the letter communicating the original decision. If you remain dissatisfied with the department's internal review decision, you may still request an external review by the Information Commissioner.

For external review, you must apply in writing to the Information Commissioner within 20 business days of the date of the internal review decision, or within 20 business days of the original decision if you elect to bypass internal review and proceed direct to external review.

Please email Right to Information Services on RTIServices@des.qld.gov.au for more information.

Contact Right to Information Services

Right to Information Services
GPO Box 2454
Brisbane, QLD 4001
Phone: 3330 6111
Email: RTIServices@des.qld.gov.au

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